There’s a good chance some of your landlords forbid keeping pets inside the apartments you’ve lived in. Luckily, those times have changed. Either you’ve got your own place, or you’ve met a landlord that’s got nothing against you having pets inside your home. Now, that, of course, is not the end of the story. If you’ve got the time (and the tasks we’ll discuss today don’t require much of it), there are things you can do to make your apartment more pet-friendly. This way, you and your little furry friends can enjoy the place without anyone feeling unpleasant. In the text you’re about to read, we’ll gladly show you the 6 ways to make your apartment pet-friendly. Stay tuned! You’ve undoubtedly noticed by now that most people postpone necessary home improvements because they either think the work will last too long or cost too much. Avoiding the problem is not a solution. A wise thing to do is to estimate the budget and timeline of your NYC home renovation with the help of those who conduct it from start to finish. And then get the job done.

#1 Say goodbye to carpets
Now, this might sound a bit harsh, but keeping carpets inside your place once there are pets present isn’t the best idea out there. Here’s why: you’ll want to say goodbye to rugs or carpets since these surfaces tend to generate dander and fur. Additionally, they’ll become a breeding ground for various bacteria and other unwanted housemates. Some of you might have a hard time dealing with this, but, trust us, it’s best if you say no to that age-old rug that “tied your living room together” for years. We’re not saying you should throw your rugs away; simply store them wherever you see fit. Also, here’s a suggestion on how to find an alternative to rugs and carpets: try opting for some easy-to-clean floor surfaces. For instance, one can introduce some vitrified tiles or laminated wooden flooring (a great option for your NYC condo) to their apartment.

#2 Make your apartment pet-friendly with a clutter-free home
This one’s recommended even if you don’t have pets inside your apartment. A clutter-free home is never a bad idea. Here’s why your little buddies will love it: needless to say, dogs and cats absolutely adore being active. Therefore, they’ll need a lot of free space to enjoy their favorite activities. A home cramped with bulky furniture isn’t exactly the best playground out there. Also, you should avoid keeping certain breakable items such as glassware or vases, or tabletops—basically, anything that your furry friends might break and possibly hurt themselves in the process. Don’t know where to go with all those items? Consider renting out storage space. Luckily, there are many NYC movers that will gladly help with any task that’s concerned with the transfer of your furniture. That being said, you’re really out of arguments for keeping your apartment filled with clutter.
#3 What about choosing the right kind of upholstery?
That’s right! One also needs to think about the kind of upholstery that’s pet-friendly, easy to clean, and does not absorb any pet odors. You’ll want to know that upholstery that’s dark-colored is way easier to handle & maintain than its light-colored sibling. Also, you might want to opt for washable slipcovers for the sofas and dining chairs, which are made from synthetic materials (the slipcovers, not the chairs). Additionally, there are upholstery fabrics you’ll most likely want to avoid: silk, corduroy, and chenille. The thing is: your little buddies will probably ruin them with their claws. Oh, and we almost forgot about velvet, also known in some circles as fur magnet.

#4 Do some deep cleaning regularly
We’ll try to be quick here since you’ve probably thought about this one yourself. It is the most obvious of the 6 tips to make your apartment pet-friendly. In order to make your place as pet-friendly as possible, it’s of utmost importance that you keep it clean. You’ll want to deep clean your apartment every once in a while. Use your trusty vacuum cleaner to remove all the fur and dander you’ll surely stumble upon. Needless to say, these “materials” can easily trigger allergies. Also, have you ever been inside a “pet-friendly” home that’s definitely not something you’d call clean? If so, keep that picture in mind; you don’t want your apartment to become anything similar.
#5 Safety first
One of the 6 ways to make your apartment pet-friendly concerns the issue of safety. Of course, you can’t imagine something being pet-friendly and hazardous at the same time. That’s why you’ll want to keep all your medicines, fertilizers, and household cleaning products out of your little buddies’ reach. Additionally, opt for a closed garbage bin (the one with a little foot pedal), just so your pets can’t access it. Also, if your apartment’s high-rise, think about putting a screen on the windows just so your pets can’t leap out from the gap between the grille. You’ll want to hire a quality NYC contractor for this. Lastly, there are many household plants that are proven to be poisonous to cats and dogs. Research that topic and remove each poisonous plant from your home’s inventory.

#6 Let your pets enjoy some privacy
If you’ve got room inside your apartment, designate an area where your little pet buddies will relax, eat and play after a tough day. You’ll want to guarantee them a place where they can sleep, with a little pet bed and a few toys for maximum comfiness. Like humans, other species also deserve some privacy, don’t you agree?
Bonus tip: Avoid open wiring
We’ll reward your patience with a bonus tip before we say goodbye. Here’s the thing: open wiring in the presence of pets is a thing you must absolutely avoid; your little buddies can chew on the wires and create havoc. That’s why you should consider installing concealed wiring. There are many cable protectors you’ll find in most household-items shops.
Final words
And that’s about it on the subject of making a pet-friendly apartment. Now that you’ve seen the 6 ways to make your apartment pet-friendly, we’re absolutely sure you’ll do the same. As you could’ve noticed, none of these tasks require much effort or time invested, as we’ve already mentioned. Most of them you can do in a single day. Lastly, not only will you make your apartment more pet-friendly, but you’ll also feel better since most of these tips work well even if you don’t have any pets. In other words: your apartment should be human-friendly, too.